Sep 16, 2009

The Dragonbone Chair

The Dragonbone Chair
Tad Williams

The Dragonbone Chair did come to a satisfying closure for me. As I had predicted, since the very first chapter of the book, Tad Williams was building up all sorts of different plot conflicts. The entire story is the journey of the main character named Simon and the mystery's he finds during his travels. Everything that perplexes him all leads to something very important. He only learns this important thing at the closure of the book.
The plot of the story is a winding road that leads to an explosion of realization at the climax. The climax of this story is the last battle that King Josua leads against his brother Elias. During the battle Simon is running around assisting his master, who is a magician, because he needs assistance in healing all of Josua's wounded soldiers. Simon stops to talk with a wounded enemy soldier. The soldier is Simon's father. His father lets out all the secrets that Simon has been attempting to find the entire book. Simon is called away by his master. Later Simon learns that his father was later killed by soldiers on his side. He cries and curses his god. How could anything like this have happened? Then his master comes and begins to reveal even some more secrets that he did not know. Overall, the climax and end of this book satisfied my taste because everything came so quick in the end. It blew my mind.

1 comment:

  1. Yay--I'm in! 6/6 and 4/4 entries for 9/4 and 9/18. Good job!

    Remember that you must alternate fiction and nonfiction books. Your entries are very good--a combination of summary and critical thinking. Are you creating new posts for each entry? The dates on which you post are not showing up, and this makes my job more confusing. Let's look at this together to figure out what's going on. Thanks for your good work!
