Oct 4, 2009

The Shack
William P. Young

I did not neccesarily choose to read this book. My father suggested that I should read this. My father and I disagree about many things in life. Perhaps our largest disagreement is our difference in religion. My father is a preacher and he wants to constantly talk and discuss about this. I try to avoid it as much as possible. However, he suggested this book to me because it discusses what I am going through in a weekend event with a man who suspects God does not exist.
My expectations for this book were as like any other book like this. All books and philosophers who debate the existence of God answer the same questions that can not be answered and all fight over these questions because they are not answered. One can not answer these questions, they just have to fall on one side of the pole or another. So I expected these questions to come up in the story and for the author to give what he believed his answers were.
The book has so far done exactly what I predicted it would do. However, the author disguises these questions in the shape of a story. Currently this story is what is keeping me interested in the book. I do not enjoy reading these types of books because I do not enjoy reading about these questions. But, I do enjoy the story and that is what was not in my expectations.

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