Mar 30, 2010

The Odyssey

The Odyssey
Homer/translated by W.H.D. Rouse

I found this book in the stash of goodies my uncle gave to me. I had heard stories about the book and I was interested with how the book could possibly so good. I also knew the general plot and conflict the book brought forth but I was not familiar with the details. For all of these reasons, I thought I might enjoy this book and so I chose to read it. I expected a good, classical, gory and romantic story that fantasized ad brought mythical creatures and events to life. I wanted the book to draw emotions from me and place me into the world that the book lived in. I had such high expectations for this book primarily because it is a classic. Classic books tend to have higher expectations because they have been so popular and successful in the past. The Odyssey, being one of the most infamous classics ever, had an even higher expectation for me than other classical books.
So far, The Odyssey has lived up to my expectations immensely. This book fills the reader with wonder at the possibilities of such magical and unearthly events. Also, the book draws tension and emotion from the reader by creating conflicts and epic battles for the main character to conquer. I am thoroughly enjoying this book and hope it will prove to be an excellent read throughout.

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