Jan 19, 2010

The 7 habits of Highly Effective Teens

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens
Sean Covey

I did not really choose to read this book. My parents okbligated me to read it because obviously they do not think I have very good habits at the moment. In MY opinion, my habits are perfectly normal teen habits and they should not be interfered by outsiders such as my parents. But thats another story. So, naturally, I at first opposed myself against this book with my entire force of will. I expected some sort of drull and slow book describing my wrongs as a teen, what sort of punishments I should have, and possible stupid parental ways that I could fix them. I expected all of this because I was at first mad at my parents for obligating me to read this book and secondly because I thought that the book would be like all other teen fixture books, as I described above.
What I got caught me completly off guard. The book began with a hook line and sinker. I was gone. Covey began his book with a story about himself when he was a middle-schooler. In 7th grade, he developed a crush on this girl and since he didn't talk to girls then (obviously) he asked his friend too. His friend asked the girl and when he came back he said the girl had replied "No, not Sean! He's too fat." This hilarious story made me laugh out loud. (lol) Covey had grabbed my attention and he intended to hold it.

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