Nov 17, 2009

An Introduction To Literature-Hamlet

An Introduction To Literature-Hamlet
William Shakespere

I chose this book because I was in search of a piece of nonfiction literature. I just recieved a present from my Uncle Melton and it contained a cupboard filled with all sorts of books that he read when he was a kid (he was a HUGE bookworm.) As I forded through this multitude, I came across one of his old high school literature books. The seventh edition of "An Introduction To Literature." I figured that I possibly could find something of importance in this book and also maybe find a nonfiction story to read. I also wondered at the difference between a high school book from 30 years ago and a hich school book in the present. It would be interesting to compare the two.
I borrowed my brothers literature freshman book and this one and compared the two. In my opinion, the two books turned out to be amazingly similar. Hamlet lived up to my expectations as bieng a complicated old english piece of work that was difficult to comprehend but, it does have an inticing, thrilling, dramatic plot line.

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