Oct 22, 2009

Stone of Farewell

Stone of Farewell
Tad Williams

The defining moment in the Stone of Farewell is also considered the climax and I believe the point at which Williams reveals his thoughts on the purpose of this book. As the book begins to close, Simon is having challenges with his mind and with the enviroment around him. It seems to Simon as if everyone is calling him to do something different. On the outside he is attempting to help everyone to the best of his ability but sometimes it just seems like he fails. On the inside, Simons failures are destroying him. He is used to a nice quiet life. But now with everyone asking for his help and then bieng angry at him when he cannot help, he is devasted and is falling fast emotionally. As these inward emotions are dragging him down, there are now rumors that his enemies are succoming a dragon to thier will and presenting his princes fortress, the Stone of Farewell, as a perfect target. The dragon is bent to his enemies will and they send it to attack. People run for cover as it swoops overhead. However, Simon is tired of all of this pressure he is taking. He climbs to the highest tower with his sword and challenges the beast. Simon was ready to die. The dragon skies and then dives toward him. Simon swings his sword and amazingly makes contact with the dragons eye. It falls to the ground, slain. Simon has conquered his greatest fear. He has bested his human experience. That is the defining moment in the book.

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