Oct 21, 2009

Stone of Farewell

Stone of Farewell
Tad Williams

Stone of Farewell is the second book in this series by Tad Williams and I believe that he is once agian able to recreate an example of a perfect image of the human experience through this fictional book and his main character Simon. Simon has grown and evolved since his first journey as a young boy with his master Morgenes. Now, his master has passed on and Simon has grown up to become a young man. I believe that Williams is stating his purpose implicity within his main character, Simon. Tad Williams is attempting to allow his readers on the insight of the human experience. Especially, Williams foucuses on the human experience from the growth of a boy into a man. This is a time of great learning for any male and the way they go through thier human experience will shape the way they live forever. Williams builds up his main character and pushes him through mental and physical challenges to create his human experience.
The intended audience for this book is males who are undergoing this human experience in their lives. As expected, most people who would read a fiction fantasy world book would be young males who are about to undergo this experience. So, this book is designed to warn them about the upcoming experience they will have.

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